Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Knews - January 14, 2009

Team Kman website = www.teamkman.org
Send News to News@teamkman.org

Member News:

-->Time to Renew or Join -->Challenges, Awards, Socials, guest speakers, Motivation, informal coaching - Team Kman makes no profit and is run totally by dues paying team members that volunteer. All dues support team activities, socials, challenges, awards, surprises. Thank you for supporting Team Kman and its mission of providing an environment for members who share a common interest in developing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

-->Read More......... all team wear is free or available at cost or less-than-cost. Taking advantage of all the team offers is worth much more than $80. Guaranteed! "Team camaraderie, laughs, good times...PRICELESS".

How do I Join or Renew??-->There is a payment button in the sidebar. You can use a credit card with PayPal. Follow the directions. It is easy and quick.

Team Kman bylaws and more information is available on our website.

Is your picture in the 2009 member slide show in the sidebar?
2009 Current Members - Lori Bickel, Mike Bickel, Vicki Carroll, Len Colamarino, Doug Conner, Kelly Dakin, Lance Fields, Kass Flaig, Cindy Gilberston, Seth Gilbertson, Jennifer Glenesk, Mark Glenesk, Steve Lachaine, Kristie Lahr, Terry Lentz, Mike Lewis, Pamela Nargie, Glenn Ohler, Steve Robinson, Kyle Rutherford, Keith Schmidt, Robyn Schmidt, Janiel Tillmann, Mike Zappas, Peggy Zappas
-->Please let Membership Chair, Mike Bickel, (mbickel@rantec.com) know if we have made an error. Thank you.

-->The 2009 Challenge Board is on the website.

-->All 2008 Challengers are already on the 2009 Challenge Board. If continuing in the 2009 Challenge remember to renew your Team K Dues - thanks.

-->If New to The Challenge Board, Join the 2009 Challenge - email to let us know which Challenge(s) you would like to join: Run - Bike - Swim - Kinetic

-->The Kinetic Challenge is new - It is for non-Run/Bike/Swim Challengers. Record hours of aerobic/kinetic exercise. Kinetic Challenge Questions and Answers are below.

The networking links are in the sidebar. If you are a member and you would like a networking link for your business let us know.
•If you are a K-Swimmer and have not yet become a member of U.S. Masters swimming. Sign up online. Get your 2009 Membership card now.

•The Postal Challenge coming up in the new year. Bring on 2009!

Make reservations for May 8 & 9 at Picadilly Shaw in Fresno. Go through this nationals website and scroll to Picadilly SHAW and then make reservations. These are reserved rooms at a special rate. These room will fill up so try to reserve early - ASAP. Video

Check out this link to see amazing Team Kman in the "Go the Distance" Challenge.

Read about the Inaugural Justin Tour of Paso Bike-a-thon benefiting the Wellness Community Central Coast. It is February 19th.

•Updated Information on the
4th Annual Koast Ride February 17th - Carmel, down the coast, up 46, and finally to the Amgen Tour Stage finish is downtown Paso. Night of the 16th. The hotel is the Carmel Bay View Inn. The phone # is 831-624-1831 or (800 343-1831). Gaylen Little called the hotel and reports: "....spoke with Mike(at the front desk) regarding our stay on February the 16th. He will honor the post card rate of $69.00 providing you have the card when you check in. Without the postcard the rate is $89.10 for a queen bed, however you have to talk with Mike directly between 8:00am & 3:00pm for this discounted rate." I told him our group name is "K-Man" to keep it simple."

•Saturday’s Ride 01/17/09: Let’s leave Kman at 8 am and head out El Camino to Curbaril to Santa Ysabel to 41 to Templeton Rd to left on El Pomar and continue as it becomes Vineyard to crossing 46 to right on Willow to left on Peachy to right on Vineyard to left on Adelaida to right on Chimney Rock to right on Nacimiento Lake Road to left on San Marcos to San Miguel. After a stop at the coffee shop we will head out to Cross Canyon and riders can either return to Kman by way of Pleasant to right on Estrella to Left on Airport and right on Buena Vista etc. or continue on Cross Canyon to Rancho Conchita to Hog Canyon and ride the loop back to Estrella and back to Atascadero. River Road has been under construction so this route attempts to avoid it’s use. Any update on it’s condition would be appreciated!

Last Saturday’s Ride:
Fog, Fog, Go Away and don’t bother to come back, at least on a Saturday morning!!! It was so foggy when Doug, Mike B., Terry, Kurt, and Louise rolled from Kman out to El Camino and Rocky Canyon that we only saw Len riding backward on RC because he was wearing his bright yellow Kman attire (with his matching red leg warmers)! Mark G. joined the ride in progress as well. As we made our way out Lupine the fog was so thick it was hard to recognize the terrain and shift properly for the rollers!! Luckily for us the sky cleared and the sun shown as we turned onto Creston Road for a brisk paceline ride all the way to 41. Hot chocolate and brownies were the power food of choice at the Creston store and we continued out O’Donovan to 58 to Huerhuero and up to Parkhill. Mike and Mark turned down Las Pilitas while the rest of us extended our enjoyment of what had turned into a perfect cycling day by heading “down” Parkhill to Pozo road and Colby Jack’s. While we were attending to a slow leak in Kurt's back tire on Pozo Road Francios and Ellen stopped to say hi as they were driving back into town after doing a mountain bike ride at the Lake. K-People are Everywhere!!

•No Sunday run/walk this weekend due to Castle to Coast --- the - Castle to Coast run is Saturday 01/17. Members are encouraged to participate in this walk/slog/run event.

Last Sunday - Last Sunday we had a light day of running/walking. Several K-runners and K-walkers were out Sunday morning for a run/walk around Peterson Ranch and Templeton. Fortunately the expertise of the 'Dog Whisperer' was not needed. As well as getting ready for a team run at Castle-to-Coast (this weekend), we learned of a new run in the area - sure to be a great K-adventure. Plans are in the works for a half-marathon (99% trails) around Santa Margarita Lake in October.

•Wednesday Track workouts will start back up on Wednesday January 21st at 5pm
•Hares N Hounds 5K & Family Fun Day March 21 - link

Hares N Hounds 5K & Family Fun Day is March 21, 2009. Mark your calendar. If you are interested in helping with this event please contact Robyn Schmidt.
•Wildflower Triathlon is May 1-3 and Registration is now open.

The 2009 March Triathlon Series. This is a Great Triathlon for first timers: This 4th annual Sprint and Olympic tri is great for triathlon newbies and veterans alike.
Join us on April 4, 2009 for a Sprint or Olympic distance race and the time of your life!
Click here to register. For additional details visit www.marchtriathlonseries.com.
Q & A regarding the new Kinetic Challenge:
The Kinetic Challenge is in program development so your questions and participation becomes part of its progression.

Q-->Can a team member sign up for the kinetic challenge, AND the swim/bike/run?
A-->Hours and/or Miles/meters can't count for both swim/bike/run and Kinetic Challenge

Q-->Does a yoga class count, or does it need to be aerobic activity?
A-->A Yoga class would count as a Kinetic or also known as a Fitness Hour

Q-->I've been walking instead of running, since there isn't a "walk" category, am I required to log my time now rather than miles?
A-->Fitness walking can count for either Challenge the Kinetic or Run.

Q-->Suppose I train for walking a half-marathon...Does walking count for the kinetic challenge or the running challenge or not at all?
A-->Fitness walking can count for either Challenge the kinetic or running.

Q-->Does the kinetic challenge have a definition? Does it consider classes at Kennedy, or is it cardio only?
A-->Fitness hours. So, Yes, Kennedy classes, Fitness walking, and cardio

Q-->Will the Five or Better Club offer a Kinetic/Walking Challenge?
A-->All the "running" events are also Fitness Walking events. If a member has a specific event to add or delete from the 5 or Better then the Board will consider adjustments.

-->Map to park at(Bethel and Vineyard)We do a variety of mileage and everyone is welcome: Walkers, Sloggers, Joggers, Runners.
-->Map to Atascdero Kman Cycle & Run

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