Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Knews - October 1, 2008

Team Kman website = www.teamkman.org
Update -
The Sunday(10/5) Run, 8:30 am, will meet at the park at Las Tablas and Bethel in Templeton.

Track workouts are continuing on Wednesday nights at 5:30 at the Atascadero
High School track.

Anybody interested in helping at the Tinley Triathlon this weekend help is needed.
Contact K-Man at kmanandrobyn@charter.net



Next team meeting will be SATURDAY October 4. Same K-place (Schmidt house), DIFFERENT K-Time - 5 PM.
Our guest speaker will be Victor Plata.
Please RSVP for the team meeting to runninrobyn@charter.net
Bring the dish according to your last name. Bring enough food for 8 people
and bring
your own drinks.
-->A - E: Main Dish
-->F - H : Side Dish
-->I - L : Salad
-->M - Z : Dessert

Party schedule:
5:00-5:45 -- Social
5:45-6:15 -- Dinner
6:15-6:30 -- Team Meeting
6:30-7:30 -- Speaker
7:30-8:15 -- Social

Check out this youtube of Victor Plata at Pacific Grove Triathlon...

Tri NEWS!-
Congratulations to Kelly Dakin, Kass Flaig, Glenn Ohler in the Pacific Grove Triathlon.
Kass finished #1 in her AGE GROUP! Kass was 1st in EVERY discipline. Kelly finished 4th in her VERY competitive age group. Glenn absolutely ROCKED the event . Check all results here.

Member News:
Look for a post very soon from Martina Kingman's adventure to the Top of Kilamanjaro. As a teaser, check the picks in the sidebar. Pam Nargie writes: - am in Vienna on our way to Salzburg - will begin riding there if weather is good - right now is a storm---am looking forward to swimming, of all things."


Upcoming meet information.
San Luis Obispo Masters short course yards meet - Friday and Saturday, November 21-22, 2008. Save the Date!! Come swim, cheer, and have a good time. Thank you Mike B, Keith, Janiel, and Mark for coaching. The swim coaching schedule can always be found here at the Knew Blog. It was great to have Deb Bond(top of the challenge board)swim with us last week.
-->After swim breakfast, Oct. 10th at Joe's Place in Templeton 7:30ish.

-->Here is a Photo Gallery of the Utah Trip

-->"Lance Armstrong coming back? Those and other questions answered, sort of, on my latest entry." Jeff Ballinger - check out Jeff's Blog see the link in the sidebar.

-->Important - It's time! Another year has flown by! The 7TH Annual Wine & Roses Bike Ride is open for online registration. The event is scheduled for October 18, 2008, so mark your calendar and register today at: Wine and Roses. This is a fun ride and post ride is EXCELLENT!
-->This week's Ride - Saturday October 4 ride - We will leave A-Kman at 8 am (more or less) and I propose that we head out to Templeton Road to Main street, then left on Main which then becomes Vineyard, take Vineyard to 46, cross, then continue on Vineyard to Willow creek. We take a right on Willowcreek to Peachy, left on Peachy to return to Vineyard. Then Right on Vineyard to Adelaida. Then continue right up Adelaida and down to Paso for our first refreshment stop (about 37miles into the ride) Cafe Vio...Riders wanting a shorter ride (45ish mi) can leave on 13th street but then go right on River Rd (construction permitting) and return to Akman by River, Neil Springs, Hollyhock etc. For a longer ride we will continue on 13th street up the hill where it turns into Creston Rd. and ride on to Niblick where we go left as it turns in to Linne Road then Geneseo and go all the way to Creston Road. For a 58 ish ride you then go right on Creston all the way to left on (South) El Pomar and continue on all the way down the Chicago grade to the left on Homestead and smell the barn all the way home. Maps 9 and 15 have the roads mentioned. For those wishing to do a century option we will leave the rest of the group at Creston Road heading left toward Creston, take Camp 8 to 41 and then take 41 to Shandon for a food and drink break at about 60 miles. Then head back by way of Shell Creek and a fast ride down La Panza. We can refuel if necessary at the store in Creston or continue straight down 41 to cripple creek to South El Pomar and down the Chicago grade, Homestead and home. 104 miles. Piece of cake! Or at least some great Pot Luck at the Kman Party!!
-->Review of Last Saturday's ride: Those riders not riding the Lighthouse met at Kman and headed out to Vineyard and 46. Terry was back from "Everest", the Challenge that is, wearing red pokka dot socks no less. Kman and the Bick showed as well as Steve R., Chris, Casey, Mike J. and Louise. It was nice to see Mark G. for some miles. The ride on Chimney Rock to San Marcos to San Miguel was quick and congenial and the coffee shop a change of pace as the new owners had icecream and deli sandwiches. Terry, Steve, Chris and Casey headed home on River Road while Mike and I went the long way around Hog Canyon and home with a hydration stop at the Sylvester Winery.
-->More Bike News: Steve Minibar LaChaine and Mike Lewis and Brian Smallwood are all riding in the Furnace Creek 508 this weekend!! LaChaine and Lewis as the Two-man team "Bonedog" and Smallwood (with Max Hogan) as the Two-man team "Sun-Spiders"...check out their progress at the 508 webcast on Saturday and Sunday.

WOW! what a great event we had at the Heritage Oaks 5k, 10K Run. Check out the pics (see the slide show in the sidebar). Jennifer Glenesk, Kyle Rutherford, Seiji Kawano, Kristie Lahr, Robyn Schmidt, & special thanks to photographer, Martina Kingman. notes: Kristie #1 WOMAN. Check all the results here.

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