Saturday, September 27, 2008

Knews - September 23, 2008

Team Kman website =
News - September 23, 2008
Watch for upcoming meet information. Thank you Janiel, Keith, Mike B, Mark, and sub, Nancy for all th great coaching. The swim coaching schedule calls for two on deck coaching sessions per week. This month we celebrated some great B-days at the pool. Hey, how about that Giant Serpentine Swim.

A Photo Gallery of the Utah Trip

Last Saturday's(September 20) ride: Six riders showed for some nice paceline work out Pozo Road. Bickel on his single speed lead the charge and Keith lead the chase group. Bickel turned for home at the Lake while the rest continued around to Pozo then to Parkhill and Huerohuero. Mini-bar Lachaine joined us in good spirits after his Hoodoo Holiday. Keith and Lachaine turned down Las Pilitas, while the rest then went down Huerohuero to 58 to Creston and then home on 229. 60 miles for Keith...a new high (though I heard that Kurt worked him so hard that he had to walk up his driveway at the finish!!!)

Next Saturday's(September 27) ride: For those not riding the Lighthouse century, let's ride from Atascadero Kman at 8am, out Templeton Rd to Main street, to Vineyard to 46, cross, then Vineyard, to right on Willow, to left on Peachy and back to right on Vineyard and on to Adelaida where we make a left to Chimney Rock. At Chimney Rock we go right to Naciamento Lake road, to left on San Marcos, across 101 to San Miguel (35 ish miles) and the coffee shop. Then choices abound for the return home by way of River Rd.(55 miles) or Cross Canyon, Pleasant, Estrella, Airport to Wellsona to River Rd (60ish) or even do a longer route out Hog Canyon (80 miles). Lots of variations available, consensus rules. See Map 15 for the roads mentioned.

EVEREST CHALLENGE: Results are in...Terry placed fourth in his age group Masters 45+...(the toughest age group as he would have placed third in Masters 35+) with a total time of 11 hours 53 minutes 43 seconds!! First and second place were only separated by 1min 6sec at the finish of the two days while third place and Terry were separated by 10 min 7 sec....It looks like Terry and the third place finisher either rode together the second day or duked it out for the same finish time with the placement edge given to Terry on the second day. Great job!!! Can't wait to hear the details....

from reporter Penny Lentz)...the rest of the story...Terry finished theEverest Challenge 4th on Day One in the 45-54 category, 3rd on Day Two, for a 4th place in his age group and 17th overall after both days. Total time 11:53:43. I think 166 people finished. Over 29,000 feet of climbing. I couldn't even comprehend what that meant until I drove DOWN the hills. It was terrifying!He rode with his new friend Jan all day on day two, and Jan insisted Terry cross the finish line first, for third place, because "Terry had done all the work that day." The first and second place guys (45+) followed behind until the very end when they sprinted on up the mountain for 1st and 2nd. (They only went as hard as they had to. If you ask me they're a bunch ofwheel suckin' losers....) Anyway, he was happy with his results, riding with these experienced climbers. I drove up to both finish lines days one and two. It was beautiful up there at South Lake and then at the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest. The dogs and I hiked as long as we could. Not much air up there at 10,000 feet. After my hike on day one, which just happened to be my birthday, there was an aid station set up by my car! So I went over and offered to help them. Not too long after that, the racers started coming. It was the last climb that day and they looked whooped but still had 15-plus miles to go. I was able to mix up Terry's favorite energy drink and have it ready for him and take his picture. What's funny is that he rode up at 1:00PM, exactly 50 years, to the minute, from when I was born, on Saturday, September 20th, 1958! And I thought I was going to have to spend my birthday alone! All and all, I'd say that this race is...well...after witnessing umpteen Ironmans by comparison.....INSANE!!!!!!

Last Sunday we had 5 of us involved in the Sunday morning run: Jana, Sandy, Heidi, Kristie and Bill(on his mountain bike). We took off into the Templeton hills/vineyards and got in 6-12 miles. The weather was cool, the grapes tasted good and we are getting ready for races in Paso, SLO, Texas and Lopez Lake.
This Sunday we will be at the Heritage Oaks Bank Family Fun Day and Fun Runs
Go to the following link for more information...


Next team meeting will be SATURDAY October 4. Same K-place (Schmidt house), DIFFERENT
K-Time - 5 PM. Our guest speaker will be Victor Plata.
Please RSVP for the team meeting to
Bring the dish according to your last name. Bring enough food for 8 people
and bring your own drinks.
A - E: Main Dish
F - H : Side Dish
I - L : Salad
M - Z : Dessert
Party schedule:
5:00-5:45 -- Social
5:45-6:15 -- Dinner
6:15-6:30 -- Team Meeting
6:30-7:30 -- Speaker
7:30-8:15 -- Social

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