Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Knews - October 23, 2008

Team Kman = www.teamkman.org
Send News to News@teamkman.org

Member News:
The photo at right shows Team Member David Bower in central Peru. He was there on a humanitarian project. Thanks Dave for taking the K-spirit to Peru.

Member, Len Colamarino, is running for Atascadero City Council. For more information check out this website: Upgrade Atascadero

See the picture of Jeff Grinager in the City to Sea below. Bring it on Jeff.

K-Quote of the week: "Life is like a headwind-sometimes".... Stay tuned!! Next week, the rest of the story.

Read Steve LaChaine's Solvang Double report below. 4000 Calories.


3rd is the day the Kman Swimmers will join USMS for the 2009 season. It will also be a day to sign up for the November 22, swim meet. The workout on November 3 will only be 1600 meters to allow for adequate coffee, cinnamon roll, and sign-up time. Bring On 2009 !!!! The swim coaching schedule.

•Saturday Ride - meet at the K-shop in A-town at 8:00 for an excellent 50 mile ride. Avg of 15-18mph with regroups.

The Wine and Roses was a GREAT ride this year. Penny Osmond, Steve Robinson, Mike Zappas, Gaylen Little, John Lehman, Mark Glenesk enjoyed a beautiful day. See pics in the October pictures(sidebar) or check out a slideshow by photograper, John Patrick

•Good Luck to the The Death Valley Double Gang: Comar, Lentz, Burkhart, Roos. The four are doing the Death Valley Double October 25th.

Steve LaChaine's Report Solvang Double.
"I got 4th place, time 11:38 Mike(Lewis) was 6th, 11:54 Gower's (Scott) first double, 7th place, 12:01, broken chain with 3 miles to go. Mike helped push. I had great legs for the double, stayed with the front runners for 105 miles, Mike and Scott took turns falling off the lead pack but hung in there just a few minutes back, I took a longer lunch break than the 3 guys I was with and went solo for the last 96 miles. I never was in too much pain but I did have some gas bubbles for about 30 miles near the end. Jet Power! Perfumo Canyon is not fun after 110 miles, my legs were in pain. I got pretty hungry on the second half. Mostly Hammer Sustained Energy Powder for fuel, about 2500 calories of it. 500 calories from Clif electrolite powder, 3 bites of a Subway, 4 small peanut butter crackers, 1/2 flask Hammer gel, 4 Vanilla Gu's, 1 chocolate Accell Gel, 1 Diet Pepsi. I guess that is about 4000 calories, or about 340 Cal/Hour. "

Run - Robyn Schmidt reports - she ran a Collegiate X-Country Race."The race was on the Fairbanks Cross Country course which is across Hwy 1 from Cuesta College. It is a challenging course with plenty of hills and all dirt surface. This course is set up all year round - 5K and 8K distances. It is a nice venue. I finished 35th of 58 (I think), was the oldest participant, had a great and fun time, and even out kicked one of those youngsters. My time was 20:56 for 5K."

•April 26 is the Big Sur Marathon and Relay. Robyn Schmidt is heading up a Team K-Man Women's Masters relay team. We are entered as "Team K-Man Chicks on Chocolate". So far we have Robyn Schmidt, Martina Kingman, Kristie Lahr, Heidi Mooney(a new 2009 K-member in 2009) and possibly Christie Dubach. The relay consists of 5 runners running different distance legs of the marathon distance. Robyn would be happy to set up a second team if anyone is interested. It can be women, men, mixed, open, masters etc. We are going to go to have fun and run hard...Bring it on!

•November 9th is the date set for the annual Templeton to Cayucos (about 20 miles) run. You do not have to run the entire distance. K-Man will drive the K-Bus as sag to pick up those who want to save their legs for something else. I will notify you of details next week. This is a beautiful run!!!

•Track workouts - Core-Workouts started this week - stay tuned.

Send K-News to news@teamkman.org

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