Thursday, October 30, 2008

Knews - October 30, 2008

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Member News -
Member, Jeff Ballinger reports. "If you want to read about what it's like - on occasion - to ride the streets of Manhattan, click here. The short answer is it's always an adventure." - Jeff.
-->This a great BLOG entry. Read about full size glutes and a crazy driver. Leave your story in the comments section.

Member, Len Colamarino, is running for Atascadero City Council. For more information check out this website: Upgrade Atascadero

3rd is the day the Kman Swimmers will join USMS for the 2009 season. It will also be a day to sign up for the November 22, swim meet. The workout on November 3 will only be 1600 meters to allow for adequate coffee, cinnamon roll, and sign-up time. Bring On 2009 !!!! The swim coaching schedule.

•Saturday Ride - November 1, Saturday's ride will leave A-Kman at 8 am and head out to
Templeton road to Main street, then left on Main which then becomes Vineyard, take Vineyard to 46, cross, then continue on Vineyard to Willow creek. We take a right on Willowcreek to Peachy, left on Peachy to return to Vineyard. Then Right on Vineyard to Adelaida. Then continue right up Adelaida and down to Paso for our first refreshment stop 37ish miles into the ride at Cafe Vio...Then you can either return to AKman by River Road or for the longer ride go out 13th which turns into Creston then left on Niblick which then turns into Linne Road and go all the way to Creston Road. Then go right on Creston all the way to left on (South) El Pomar and continue on all the way down the Chicago grade to the left on Homestead and smell the barn all the way home(58ish miles) Maps 9 and 15 have the roads mentioned.

Death Valley Double Report: Terry, Casey, Kurt, #1, #2, #3 Men and Louise #1 Woman. WOW!!! Louise reports; "The road trip to the Death Valley Double was an overwhelming success and a lot of fun!!! The route was 196 miles with 9000 ft of climbing spread out over two major climbs, one at 68 miles and the second at 168 miles with lots of rollers in between. The heat and wind cooperated, though the rough road in some places did not!! A fast start found Terry, Casey (both on fixed gear), Kurt and Louise in a pace line heading toward Stove Pipe Wells…T, K and C continued the fast pace while L stayed behind with the tandem…T, K, and C continued together until the climb at 68 miles where T and C pulled slightly ahead of K. The initial mantra of Terry, “This is not a race, this is not a race” bit the dust as Terry realized that they were out in front. Well, as Casey said (of Terry), you can take the horse out of the race but you can’t take the race out of the horse… all three stayed ahead of the rest of the pack all the way to the finish!! Casey and Terry came in first, together in 11 hr. ------ with Kurt coming in second in 11 hr. 57 minutes. Louise also had a good ride, finishing the ride in 13 hr. 14 minutes, the first woman."

Run - 11/2, will be the first day of the daylight savings time change. Don't forget to switch your clocks back on Saturday night.

The Sunday run in the newsletter for 8:30 at the park at the corner of Bethel and Las Tablas. Routes from 1-10 miles will be mapped out with water and gatorade

Wednesday night track workouts will be starting at 5pm as of Nov.5 (election day - don't forget to vote!). Location - Atascadero High School track. For those who don't have any races coming up you can run a regular run together on the streets of Atascadero. I can help you with as many trails as I know.

Last Sunday was a beautiful morning for a run. The Fall colors were wonderful especially the poison oak with it's beautiful colors of orange and red. Robyn ran out Santa Rita Road looking for Team K-Man or any other runners. Martina and Kristie started out at the Bethel Rd park. Robyn drove throughTempleton and checked out Mark Kowall's new Orthopedic Specialists location - looks nice. As she drove by the High School digital sign it said that it was 6:50am. At first she thought she had missed the daylight savings time change, but Templeton HS was a little off. Robyn did find new member, Margie Kowall and gang enjoying the same great run day.

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