Thursday, November 6, 2008

Knews - November 7, 2008

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Member News:

Kelly Dakin
competed in the Tinley Olympic triathlon and came in 2nd in her age group in 2:39:55. Kelly also ran in the City to Sea and came in 3rd in her age group with a PR of 1:39:06.
Watch Kelly in this year's WF !! Brian Smallwood has a PR this month, swimming 35miles. Way to go Brian! Peggy Zappas enjoyed some swims in the Big Pond in Maui. Peggy was scouting out a future Team K trip to Hawaii.

The Challenge Board:
has been updated: Check it out. What a fantastic group of Challengers it is amazing !! If you have not checked out the challenge board - you should. Deb Bond is on track for swimming 500 miles this year. We have 14 swimmers, 26 Bikers, and 17 Runners above Bronze Level. In the Kinetic Challenge Junee Sherwood is above Gold Level.


This week all the K-Swimmers began signing for U.S. Masters. Become a member of U.S. Masters swimming by signing up online. Some members have already received their 2009 membership cards.

The December Trifecta is coming. We will swim 1600's on December 3rd, 17th, and 31st. The BickMan is the Trifecta Captain. This Trifecta will get the swimmers pumped up for the Postal Challenge coming up in the new year.
Bring on 2009! The swim coaching schedule is always available.


Saturday’s Ride 11/8/08:
Let’s head south to Santa Margarita. To make it simple we will take the left on 58 and ride, ride, ride til we reach La Panza (23 miles) where we will also go left to 41 (37 miles) to the Creston Store (39 miles) for refreshments. Then home by way of 229 (60ish mile) or otherwise.

Last Saturday’s Ride:
A group of hardy riders showed for a fall morning ride…roads were wet at the start but dried quickly and the fresh air was invigorating…Steve R. demonstrated his tumbling acumen when he stopped pedaling his fixed gear (calf cramp) which resulted in him being vaulted over the handlebars…thankfully his excellent landing technique resulted in only minor scrapes…and shortly thereafter Mark G. demonstrated his animal magnetism (and bike handling skills) as a squirrel literally flew off a nearby embankment onto the top of his front wheel , was spun to the ground and ran back up the embankment… and neither “Rocky” nor Mark was injured!!

This past weekend Wade Lawrence raced in a 24 hour race in the "24 hours at Chamberland" Ranch in Los Olivos. The started at 11:00am on Saturday and ended 24 hours later on Sunday. Kathy Lawrence did the cooking and crewing for the four man team. Each 9-mile lap should take less than an hour so each rider will probably do 7 laps. Art's Cyclery had a team too and Wade enjoyed the battle. Wade Rocks ! We look forward to hearing about the results and seeing the pictures!!


This Sunday meet at Santa Rita Road in Templeton for a team run. You can do an out-and-back or join in
the annual, informal run from Templeton to Cayucos. For information email Robyn Schmidt.

Last Sunday:
Martina, Kristie, Cindy, Seth,Karina, Jen and Mark were out running on Santa Rita Creek Rd last Sunday, enjoying the cool weather and lots of company. Martina and Kristie are tapering for their upcoming half-marathons, while everyone else was getting warmed up for the annual Santa Rita Creek run next weekend.(see above)

Lots of K-Runners are doing the Big Sur 1/2 so watch for a Race Report next week.

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