Friday, January 23, 2009

Knews -Jan 23 + Party Time

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Party, Party, Party - January 24, 5:00pm - End of Year and Bring on the New Year party: Awards, Challenge Sweatshirts(they're cool), slide show, camaraderie. Be there for the Team Picture for Triathon magazine. Also, sign up for new challenges and find out what is in store for 2009. Same K-place (Schmidt house) 6900 San Gabriel Road.

All food and drink is provided free for 2008 and 2009 team members. Non-members, spouses, may donate to our Team K-Tip jar to help support the team. --- Tri Tip, salad, bread, beans and or rice for dinner; Sausage and veggies for appetizer. We will provide beer, water, soft drinks and coffee. BYOWine to share, if you like. For dessert we are going to have cheese cake and animal cookies. The cookies were a huge hit at a previous party. Even if you are not renewing PLEASE come to the party so we can help you celebrate your success and for the team picture.

Member News:
-->Time to Renew or Join -->Thank you for supporting Team Kman and its mission of providing an environment for people who share a common interest in developing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

How do I Join or Renew??-->There is a payment button in the sidebar. You can use a credit card with PayPal. Follow the directions. It is easy and quick.

Member, Doug Hicks, Steve LaChaine, and Chris Stehula did the Vinecross Bike. Doug Hicks also did the Rio Bravo Rumble biathlon in Bakersfield 10K run/16mi ride - Lots of hills, trails, cows, and fun. Check out the pictures in the sidebar. GO DOUG!!

Member NetFlix - Run Fat Boy Run - a British comedy about a man who wants to win over his former flame by running in a marathon. It had some great laughs - especially for anyone who knows what goes into training for one.

Challenge Board:
-->The 2009 Challenge Board is on the website.

-->All 2008 Challengers are already on the 2009 Challenge Board. If continuing in the 2009 Challenge remember to renew your Team K Dues - thanks.
•Make reservations for May 8 & 9 at Picadilly Shaw in Fresno. Go through this nationals website and scroll to Picadilly SHAW and then make reservations. These are reserved rooms at a special rate. These rooms will fill up so try to reserve early - ASAP.

Mike Bickel reports: (a picture) "Nationals sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry". See picture in the sidebar.

Ride: 01/24/90 - Let’s ride from Kman at 8am and head to the Coast by going out to Curbaril, to 41, to Templeton Road, to…left on Templeton Road which then becomes Vineyard and continue straight until left on 46 and ride to York Mt (ride the climb or stay on 46), continue on 46 to left on Old Creek and ride down to Cayucos where we will stop for a break at the coffee shop (O’Neal’s) then ride north to Cambria for a second stop and then backtrack for the climb up 46 and home. The ride can be shortened by riding to the top of 46 and back to the shop or riding to the top of the downhill on Old Creek.

Special note: For the benefit of the riders planning on riding the Coast Ride in four weeks, I am planning on my 104 mile route through Paso and Shandon the following Saturday (Jan. 31). In the hopes of connecting with the benefit ride planned for High Road charities I was thinking of planning a ride for Feb. 7 that goes down 46, then south to Cayucos and then to Morro Bay, Turri Road, into San Luis and up the grade… If someone has more information about the timing and route of the High Road ride please let me know.

•Last Saturday’s Ride: It was a beautiful day for the ten riders who rode with Team Kman. Len’s “desire for accuracy” brought to our attention that the section of road between Templeton Road intersection with El Pomar and the Main Street light is actually Templeton Road (not El Pomar) and at the light the road name changes to Vineyard Rd. Future ride directions will appropriately reflect these road designations. Congenial riding continued all the way to Nacimiento Lake Road where Mike Z., Galen and his friend Ben headed straight into Paso while the rest of us continued on San Marcos. Kurt flatted and Terry remained with him while the group continued to the Coffee shop in San Miguel. After waiting for some time not only did Kurt and Terry arrive but they were accompanied by the Zoo group riders. It was quite a gathering! The ride continued out Cross Canyon and at Pleasant Road Len, Mark G. and Steve R. turned to head home while Terry, Kurt, Louise and Doug continued to ride out the Hog Canyon loop. We returned on Estrella, braved the short climb up 46 and the left hand turn to Union as the weather turned positively Summer-esque. The Wine-Tasting room at Tobin James was as crowded as a San Luis bar on a Saturday night and we rode with caution on the road leaving the winery, concerned with the sobriety of any drivers coming up behind us. We finished the 90+ mile ride safely. Doug was test riding a new Giant TCR and either the Giant TCR gave Doug wings or Doug gave the Giant TCR wings…either way he is flying!!

• Las Pilitas Climb - Time Trial spreadsheet - check it out!!
Wednesday Track workouts will start back up on Wednesday January 21st at 5pm
•Wildflower Triathlon is May 1-3 and Registration is now open.

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