Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Knews - November 26, 2008

Team Kman website =
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Team Member Social: December 6, 2008
Next team meeting will be SATURDAY December 6. Same K-place (Schmidt house) 6900 San Gabriel Road, Atascadero CA - 6 PM.
Please RSVP for the team meeting to

Bring the dish according to your last name. Bring enough food for 8 people and bring your own drinks.
A - E: Dessert
F - H: Main Dish
I - L: Side Dish
M - Z: Salad

Party schedule:
6:00-6:30 -- Social

6:30-7:15 -- Dinner
7:15-7:30 -- Team Meeting

7:30-8:00 -- Speaker - A nutrition Specialist
8:00-8:30 -- Social

New Cycling Jerseys are in:
Special pricing for Team K members. They will be available at our Team Socials Team members can purchase them at cost ($56.00) versus retail pricing of $75.00.

Member News:
Member Mug Slideshow is in the sidebar. If your pic is missing let us know. ALSO the networking links are in the sidebar. If you are a member and you would like your business lin there let us know.

•Keith Schmidt reports: K-man(Keith Schmidt) won a turkey last Saturday morning at the Templeton Turkey Trot then proceeds to get relay team DQd at local Masters swim meet. The word is already on the streets. KMAN gets caught trying to cheat his way to the podium. No he didn't test positive for performance enhancing drugs, but he tried to sneak off the blocks a little early on the last leg of the 200im relay. What an awesome performance by the whole K Krew. Let's not let this one isolated incident detract from all the other great performances that the rest of the team had. Great job to all!!

-->(Runner Needed)<--The Team K-Man Chicks on Chocolate, Robyn Schmidt, Kristie Lahr, Martina Kingman and Heidi Mooney are still looking for at least one more participant in the Big Sur Marathon Relay. The team consists of 5 team members. Each one runs a relay leg of 4-7 miles. Most are hilly. The team is registered but individual team members need to register separately as a team member. The registration is $60 per team member. Hotel arrangements have been made for Saturday (the night before) and Sunday (the night after). I(Robyn) believe the room rates are $140 each (two rooms with two queen beds each). This makes it about $35 per person per night. We will drive up on Saturday morning. email Robyn Schmidt.

The Challenge Board:
•One Month to GO!!!! We will have a projected 40 members receive Challege Awards this year. This is a link to the Challenge Board - link.

•Friday - November, 28, 2008 - The K-Pool opens late - informal group swim at 8:30am

•Nine of us represented Team Kman at the Masters meet on Saturday. It was a real fun time. There are some pictures in the sidebar. Excellent swims by: Karen, Ellen B, Janiel, Lori, Jennifer, Mark, Mike B., Tim, & Keith. Ellen Rockholm, Julie Eckles, and Jim Waska were fantastic voluteers and a great cheeerng squad. So you want to see a video of the Girl Power
? It is the sidebar.

•If you are a K-Swimmer and have not yet become a member of U.S. Masters swimming. Sign up online. Some members have already received their 2009 membership cards.

•The December Trifecta is coming. We will swim 1600's on December
3rd, 17th, and 31st. The BickMan is the Trifecta Captain. This Trifecta will get the swimmers pumped up for the Postal Challenge coming up in the new year. Bring on 2009! The swim coaching schedule is always available.


•4th Annual Koast Ride -
February 17th. Save the Date More information to come.

•Saturday’s Ride 11/29/08:
Let's do the Pozo/Parkhill loop...We'll leave Atascadero K-Man (map) at 8 am and head south down El Camino, taking our usual detour and then back to El Camino to Santa Margarita to Pozo road, up the Rinconada climb and on to the firestation at Pozo(27 miles) where water will be available at the firestation. Then we continue on around and up to Las Pilitas/HueroHuero intersection (39miles) where folks can choose to head down Las Pilitas and back to town (58 total miles), continue on Parkhill to 58 and home (58 total miles) or go down HueroHuero to 58 (5 miles), right (1 1/2 miles) to O'donovan and left into the Creston store (50 miles) for the first refreshment stop of the day. Then we can ride home up 229 or 41 or Creston to Cripple creek as the group sees fit. Remember to bring food and drink for the first 50 miles. Meet at the K-Shop(map) in Atascadero 8:00 am. The group averages 17-19 mph and regroups.

Last Saturday’s Ride:
Ten to Eleven riders had a great day last Saturday heading out to the coast. Mark G. joined us for his warm up before his swim meet later that same day...and we had a few new riders who had never ridden up York Mt. or down Old Creek!! Coffee and eats in both Cayucos and Cambria made for a pleasant day, with the exception of some of the fast pulls in between!


•The Sunday Run -
meets at 8:30 am at Jack Creek Bakery (next to Kennedy Club Fitness in Paso Robles) at 8:30. There will be courses from 3-10 miles, with water provided. Walk, run or mountain bike then join us for coffee and goodies at the bakery afterwards!

•Wednesday Track workouts will start back up on Wednesday January 14th at 5pm
•Hares N Hounds 5K & Family Fun Day March 21 - link
•Castle to Rock is January 17th at 8am.

A great Tri to do REALLY
The 2009 March Triathlon Series. This 4th annual Sprint and Olympic tri is great for triathlon newbies and veterans alike.
Join us on April 4, 2009 for a Sprint or Olympic distance race and the time of your life!
Click here to register. For additional details visit
The K-Board minutes are updated on our website.
A Girl Power Video is in the side bar.
Map to park at(Bethel and Vineyard)We do a variety of mileage and everyone is welcome: Walkers, Sloggers, Joggers, Runners.

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