Wednesday, December 3, 2008

KNews - December 4, 2008

Team Kman website =
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Team Member Social: December 6, 2008
Next team meeting will be SATURDAY December 6. Same K-place (Schmidt house) 6900 San Gabriel Road, Atascadero CA - 6 PM.
Please RSVP for the team meeting to

Bring the dish according to your last name. Bring enough food for 8 people and bring your own drinks.
A - E: Dessert
F - H: Main Dish
I - L: Side Dish
M - Z: Salad

Party schedule:
6:00-6:30 -- Social

6:30-7:15 -- Dinner
7:15-7:30 -- Team Meeting

7:30-8:00 -- Speaker - A nutrition Specialist
8:00-8:30 -- Social

Member News:
The networking links are in the sidebar. If you are a member and you would like a networking link for your business let us know.

Is your picture missing from the Member Mugs in the sidebar. Send one in. Thanks

Congratulations Member Brian Smallwood of Ventura and Scott Gower of Atascadero. Both athletes finished the Ultraman in Hawaii this weekend. This is a three day event that includes: 6 miles of swimming, 320 miles of biking, and 52 miles of running. WOW!!!! What an incredible feat. Brian finished 14th and the first over 50 year old. Scott did very well too finishing 8th overall. All the results at:

Martina Kingman congratulations on the win at the Bearcat Turkey Trot during Thanksgiving week.

Kelly Dakin - Has been training for the California International Marathon in Sacramento on Dec. 7th----hopes to qualify for Boston. Bring It On!!

•Jeff Ballinger(in NYC) reports: "Missed only one day(of biking) so far because of bad (snowy) weather." ALSO The Media's Liberal Reverse Bias please read and respond in one way or another by posting a comment at the bottom. This keeps the story alive and circulating out there in the blogosphere and increases the likelihood of me getting a regular (albeit non-paying) gig" - Jeff Ballinger

•Mike Bickel good luck in the Las Vegas Marathon this weekend! BRING IT ON BICKEL!!!

•Membership - You can join using Paypal or with a credit card. There is also a payment button in the sidebar. Join us for Challenges, Socials, Motivation, informal coaching, lots more. Membership information is available on our website. Bring on 2009 !!!!

The Challenge Board:
•The Challenge Board has been updated. Many PR's this month. One Month to GO!!!! We will have a projected 40 members receive Challege Awards this year. This is a link to the Challenge Board - link. Deb Bond as busted 500. See the 4 members over 8000 miles on the bike. Will Smallwood run 2000 miles this year?

•The Trifecta has begun. Thanks to Mike Bickel for putting together a fabulous first event. Our next two events will be December 17th, and 31st.

•If you are a K-Swimmer and have not yet become a member of U.S. Masters swimming. Sign up online. Some members have already received their 2009 membership cards.

•The Postal Challenge coming up in the new year. Bring on 2009! The swim coaching schedule is always available.


•4th Annual Koast Ride - February 17th. Save the Date. More information to come.

•Saturday’s Ride 12/06/08:
Let's leave Kman Cycle & run (map to K-shop) at 8 am and try something a bit different due to the River Road Ruckus ... head north to Curbaril, to Santa Ysabel, to 41, to left on Templeton Rd, to right on South El Pomar, to right on El Pomar to left on Cripple Creek to right on Creston to left on Geneseo to right on Geneseo all the way to left on Union to right on Golden Hills, cross 46 at the light and then make our way to Airport road to left on Estrella to right on River to the coffee shop in San Miguel...after a recovery from all that we will leave San Miguel, (reversing our normal route TO San Miguel) heading south on 101 to San Marcos, right on Nacimento/Lake road to Chimney Rock to Adelaida and home. Route subject to approval of riders who show!

Last Saturday’s Ride:
Eleven riders rode from Kman's and bets were placed on when the sun would break through the dense fog...Steve R. (nice to see him back) won with his vote for the top of the Rinconada climb...a few riders turned back while the rest of us rode on to the next regroup at the Pozo firestation...The ride from Pozo to Parkhill was particularly beautiful with the invigorating coolness and the smell of fresh soil ...Mike "Saint Nick" Z. (see photos in sidebar), Steve R., Bill L. and Mark G. turned down Las Pilitas for the ride home during which time it is rumored many Turkey dinner recipes were exchanged...the rest turned down Huero huero and had a spirited pace line ride on O'Donovan into Creston (where Steve La-eating-machine displayed his vacation accomplishment - see photo) and home...

New Cycling Jerseys are in:
Special pricing for Team K members. They will be available at our Team Socials Team members can purchase them at cost ($56.00) versus retail pricing of $75.00.


•The Sunday Run - meets at 8:30 am at the park in Templeton at Bethel and Vineyard. We'll run through Peterson Ranch to check out the Christmas decorations! We do a variety of mileage and everyone is welcome: Walkers, Sloggers, Joggers, Runners.

•Wednesday Track workouts will start back up on Wednesday January 14th at 5pm
•Hares N Hounds 5K & Family Fun Day March 21 - link
•Castle to Rock is January 17th at 8am.

Last Sunday - Run Report: Eight K-runners showed up to brave the cold. We enjoyed some trails along the Salinas River as well as wandering through some Paso Robles neighborhoods for 41/2 to 8 miles. Jana, Doug, Martina, Sandy, Jen, Mark, Robyn and Kristie enjoyed the workout, as well as the Bakery afterwards!
Next Sunday we will be back at the Templeton park (corner of Bethel and Las Tablas) at 8:30am. We can run through Peterson Ranch to check out the Christmas decorations!

Castle to Coast, 8.2 mile run/race is Saturday, January 17, 2009. Let's see how many team members we can get to run this event in their team shirt. If anybody doesn't have one let me know. We could do it as our long run of the weekend. Start together like a Team K-Man K-Wave. We can gather together afterward for a bite to eat and a warmer-upper. Maybe even a picnic if the weather is good!

Hares N Hounds 5K & Family Fun Day is March 21, 2009. Mark your calendar. If you are interested in helping with this event please contact Robyn Schmidt.


A great Tri to do REALLY
The 2009 March Triathlon Series. This 4th annual Sprint and Olympic tri is great for triathlon newbies and veterans alike.
Join us on April 4, 2009 for a Sprint or Olympic distance race and the time of your life!
Click here to register. For additional details visit

-->Map to park at(Bethel and Vineyard)We do a variety of mileage and everyone is welcome: Walkers, Sloggers, Joggers, Runners.
-->Map to Atascdero Kman Cycle & Run

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