Thursday, December 11, 2008

K-News - December 12, 2008

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Member News:

Great Team Social last week - We all got some nutrition tips, figured out our BMI's and had lots of great food and treats.

Got a Recipe - If you have a recipe to share for a Team Kookbook send it in via email to

The networking links are in the sidebar. If you are a member and you would like a networking link for your business let us know.

Congratulations to: Members, Mike Bickel, Kelly Dakin, Kass Flaig, Seiji Kawano, Russ Meznarich, and Glenn Ohler. All did very well in the Vegas or Sacramento Marathons this past weekend. Kelly, Kass, Russ, and Glenn(earlier) qualified for Boston. Vegas Results and Sacramento Results

•Jeff Ballinger(in NYC) reports: The apartment(link) in Paris is finally finished! Mary and I are thrilled with the renovation results. The company that handles the rentals is wonderful. The apartment will be focused in an episode of "House Hunters International," which will air on HGTV sometime in 2009. You'll see the story of how and why we bought this apt. and what it means to us.

•Time to Join -->Membership - You can join using Paypal or with a credit card. There is also a payment button in the sidebar. Join us for Challenges, Socials, Motivation, informal coaching,


•The 2nd Trifecta event is December 17th. Our last event will be December 31. Thanks to Mike Bickel for putting together a fabulous first event.

•If you are a K-Swimmer and have not yet become a member of U.S. Masters swimming. Sign up online. Some members have already received their 2009 membership cards.

•The Postal Challenge coming up in the new year. Bring on 2009! The swim coaching schedule is always available.


•4th Annual Koast Ride - February 17th. Save the Date. More information to come.

•Saturday’s Ride 12/13/08:
(SLO Bound)After much hoping that the rain waits til Sunday, lets ride from Kman at 8 am and ride to San Luis and back again.....head out Curabaril, Santa Ysabel to 41 to left on Templeton Rd. to left on El Pomar and straight on Vineyard to left on 46 to right up York Mt. to 46 to left on Old Creek down to Cayucos. From Cayucos lets turn left on 1 to right on South Bay Blvd to left on Turri to left on LOVR. Continue on LOVR to Foothill and as an option we can continue on LOVR for less than a mile and turn right up Perfumo canyon and ride to the top (6 mi climb) then back to LOVR to Foothill to New Frontiers for some refreshments. After eats we will ride up the Grade to Santa Margarita exit and home on El Camino.

Last Saturday’s Ride:
Eight riders enjoyed a great ride on less travelled roads in untypical directions as we rode to Geneseo all the way to Union and 46. The short leg on 46 down to Estrella was rather painless what with the wide shoulder and rumble strip separating car from rider and after pulling over to the right the group was able to safely cross 46 to Estrella. From there we were rewarded with wonderful new pavement that meandered through pristine ranch land and yummies at the coffee shop in San Miguel. The ride back from San Miguel on San Marcos and Chimney Rock demonstrated how travelling the same route but in the opposite direction can yield a fresh new look to familiar landscapes...such as a few downhills that seemed much more down when riding them up!!

New Cycling Jerseys are in:
Special pricing for Team K members. They will be available at our Team Socials Team members can purchase them at cost ($56.00) versus retail pricing of $75.00.


•The Sunday Run - meets at 8:30 am at the park in Templeton at Bethel and Vineyard. We do a variety of mileage and everyone is welcome: Walkers, Sloggers, Joggers, Runners.

Last Sunday - the joined together for a run around Peterson Ranch in Templeton. DURING our run we called Mike Bickel and cheered him on in his Las Vegas marathon. Then we all appreciated how short 4-8 miles sounded!

•Wednesday Track workouts will start back up on Wednesday January 14th at 5pm
•Hares N Hounds 5K & Family Fun Day March 21 - link
•Castle to Rock is January 17th at 8am.

Castle to Coast, 8.2 mile run/race is Saturday, January 17, 2009. Let's see how many team members we can get to run this event in their team shirt. If anybody doesn't have one let me know. We could do it as our long run of the weekend. Start together like a Team K-Man K-Wave. We can gather together afterward for a bite to eat and a warmer-upper. Maybe even a picnic if the weather is good!

Hares N Hounds 5K & Family Fun Day is March 21, 2009. Mark your calendar. If you are interested in helping with this event please contact Robyn Schmidt.


A great Tri to do REALLY
The 2009 March Triathlon Series. This 4th annual Sprint and Olympic tri is great for triathlon newbies and veterans alike.
Join us on April 4, 2009 for a Sprint or Olympic distance race and the time of your life!
Click here to register. For additional details visit

-->Map to park at(Bethel and Vineyard)We do a variety of mileage and everyone is welcome: Walkers, Sloggers, Joggers, Runners.
-->Map to Atascdero Kman Cycle & Run

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