Friday, December 26, 2008

Knews - December 26, 2008

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Member News:

Some News

-->New Years Day Ride
A couple of options:
1. 9am Start - Shamel Park(Cambria) to Ragged Point and return. Meet at 9am at Shamel Park (45 miles). It doesn't get any more beautiful than that.

2. 7am Start - Templeton to Shamal Park to Ragged Point and return. Meet at 7am at the parking lot by the school on Vineyard and ride to Cambria, have some coffee there and then meet up with all the other riders at Shamel Park that leaves at 9 am. (90 miles

Other News:

-->The 2009 Challenge Board is on the website.

-->All 2008 Challengers are already on the 2009 Challenge Board.

-->If New to The Challenge Board, Join the 2009 Challenge - email to let us know which Challenge(s) you would like to join: Run - Bike - Swim - Kinetic

-->The Kinetic Challenge is new - It is for non-Run/Bike/Swim Challengers. Record hours of aerobic/kinetic exercise. (more information available)

• Wildflower Century Ride -
Registration will open at NOON on SUNDAY of January 4, 2009. This Century ride is Saturday, April 25 but fills fast.

•Wildflower Triathlon is May 1-3 and Registration is now open.

The networking links are in the sidebar. If you are a member and you would like a networking link for your business let us know.

•Time to Join -->Membership - You can join using Paypal or with a credit card. There is also a payment button in the sidebar. Join us for Challenges, Socials, Motivation, informal coaching,

•If you are a K-Swimmer and have not yet become a member of U.S. Masters swimming. Sign up online. Some members have already received their 2009 membership cards.

•The Postal Challenge coming up in the new year. Bring on 2009! The swim coaching schedule is always available.


•4th Annual Koast Ride - February 17th. Save the Date. More information to come.

• Wildflower Century Ride -
Registration will open at NOON on SUNDAY of January 4, 2009.

•Saturday’s Ride 12/27/08:
Let's start from Kman shop head out Templeton road to left on El Pomar all the way to 46 where we cross and continue on Vineyard to right on Willow to left on Peachy to right on Vineyard to left on Adelaida to Chimney Rock. Then we turn left down Chimney Rock for a few miles to left on Cypress Mountain road and loop counterclockwise back up to Adelaida...Once back onto Adelaida we go right and climb and climb up and down to Paso and coffee at Cafe Vio ...then home by way of River Rd. or Niblick, Linne and Geneseo...Enjoy

New Year's Day ride: The third annual New Year's Day ride will again travel down 46 to Cambria to join the SLOBC ride up to Ragged Point (for coffee and nummies) and back again (90ish miles) Let's meet at 7 am at the parking lot by the school on Vineyard and ride to Cambria, have some coffee there and then meet up with the SLOBC group that leaves at 9 am. If you don't want to experience the joy of bone chilling cold then think about starting in Cambria and riding up and back to Ragged Point. It doesn't get any more beautiful than that.

Last Saturday’s Ride:
Quantity and Quality were the catchwords of the day! Team Kman welcomed both Zoo group and Go For It Sports participants as seventeen riders rode congenially on a beautiful, brisk winter's morning. An early flat spread the group a bit as the slower group went on ahead and had the luck of spotting an eagle (golden or immature bald...and we don't mean Lance) up close on a telephone pole...soon the faster group caught and passed the others and the game was on...some folks headed up 229, others down O'Donovan but eleven forged ahead to La Panza. Efforts were so hard for some that they chilled quickly during the Creston store stop...the Second group led by Len who "broke wind" for 10 miles on La Panza, with some help from Scott, made good time as well. Colby Jack's was a well deserved reward for a quality workout. Happy Holidays to all!!!


•The Sunday Run - Meet at Cuesta College (North) at 8:30 for a run around the vineyards and part of the Wine Country half-marathon course. Water/gatorade will be on course. Come run off those holiday calories and enjoy some friends. Walkers are encouraged too!! We are all trying to get the last of our challenge miles in before the end of the year.

Last Sunday - There was a small,chatty group run on the west side of Templeton. We ran on some less traveled country roads, past one of the oldest vineyards in the county. As well as runners, we had a walker in the group who would love some company on Sundays!

•Wednesday Track workouts will start back up on Wednesday January 14th at 5pm
•Hares N Hounds 5K & Family Fun Day March 21 - link

Jan 17th. Castle to Coast, 8.2 mile run/race is Saturday, January 17, 2009 at 8am. Run with the Team K-Man members in the Castle to Coast in the morning then hang out in Cambria until the McEuen concert at night. Look for more information about the McEuen concert.

Hares N Hounds 5K & Family Fun Day is March 21, 2009. Mark your calendar. If you are interested in helping with this event please contact Robyn Schmidt.

•Wildflower Triathlon is May 1-3 and Registration is now open.


The 2009 March Triathlon Series. This is a Great Triathlon for first timers: This 4th annual Sprint and Olympic tri is great for triathlon newbies and veterans alike.
Join us on April 4, 2009 for a Sprint or Olympic distance race and the time of your life!
Click here to register. For additional details visit

-->Map to park at(Bethel and Vineyard)We do a variety of mileage and everyone is welcome: Walkers, Sloggers, Joggers, Runners.
-->Map to Atascdero Kman Cycle & Run

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